
If I really want to do something for the earth that will change it forever what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wanted to do something to creat5e peace or just help the aerth so it could be changed. I want the ozone to go down i dont want global warming.




  1. You can reduce your carbon footprint.  Take a close look at every detail of your life and see what is truly necessary and what is not.

  2. You need Prozac. Start with 40mg daily doze.

    My 2 cents.

  3. Become a scientist and work on the next wave of renewable energy and sustainability efforts!

    Could you imagine solving the energy crisis - or at least being a part of the solution - while at the same time reducing our pollution to a zero sum!?!?  How cool would it be to be part of the effort - a historical turning point where our world emerged from industrial revolution and entered a post-modern era of peace (not fighting over oil), prosperity (plenty of wind and sun for everyone) and efficiency (waste not, want not!).

    If we could pull this off in our life-time the world will remember us as the generation that finally woke up and got it... that understood that you just don't take a dump in your living room.... and recognized the fact that when we die... the world still goes on - so we have a duty to protect it for future gen's.

    Study hard, good luck!  Don't loose your creativity or desire to do something meaningful.  If you can't get on with a top-notch research team - you can always come work for the government!

    I'm being serious.

  4. Here's some ideas

    1. Plant as many trees as possible

    2. Join Peace Corps!!

    3. Be a vegan

    4. Get a metal water container and never buy plastic bottles again.

    5. Drive as little as possible.

    6. You can even go to a third world country and volunteer with people or animals!

    Stuff like that!

  5. There is nothing anyone can do that will change the earth forever. Nature will always change your change. The entire universe is in a constant state of "Change". The best you can do is be kind and not harm anyone intentionally.

  6. Who cares about the environment?

    I mean honestly.

    Humans eat a lot, p**p a lot, **** a lot.

    Paradoxically, we, the human race as a collective, brought this situation upon ourselves, yet now we're complaining a lot and doing absolutely nothing about it.

    "I know that I contribute to global warming too, but I'm just too posh to change my habits."

    Humans just aren't going to give up online gaming, TV, ipods, fast cars, plane travelling, aircons and heaters, etc, THE LIST IS ENDLESS.

    Let's just accept that ok? And whoever says that we don't need heaters now that we're in winter is a farty liar who doesn't understand the significance of fashion. The definition of who are. Style. Sassiness. Thin shirts, stockings and boots demand that we change the environment to suit ourselves. Don't argue with it sister. Go with the flo.

    The human race has evolved. We're becoming more technologically-inclined. We communicate with mobile phones and wireless internet. We no longer talk face to face. We hide like vampires in tall-rise buildings shielded by thick tinted glass and have the climate controlled by air-conditioners. We transport ourselves by cars and elevators. Don't need our feet no more. But we still wear high heels for the h**l of it.

    We like the way we are. Let us be. Individualism and respect  for our ideas is important. More important than the issue of global warming.

    Who cares about global warming when it honestly isn't going to affect us. The dominant species who have control of the world in their grasp.

    And if you don't like our view, stuff you.

    Global warming isn't going to affect us during our lifetimes. So who cares. We're going to grow up into s***s and Casanovas. More shex but less children. We don't need to combat global warming for nobody.

    ^ That above, unfortunately, is how many people still regard global warming.

    And I think we deserve the effects of global warming anyway. For too long we have glorified medicine, healthy living and technology.

    We've defied the way Mother Nature intended it to be for us. Having our population controlled by natural disease, disasters, etc.

    So who cares if we die. The dinosaurs used to be the dominant race. We're next to go.

  7. go to MIT and engineer a massive CO2 filter to remove the excess CO2 from the atmosphere. that will solve global warming.

    you will be a hero and theyll name a school after you. maybe even a park.

  8. you can drive a little less and recycle............try not 2 use those cleaning sprays or the odor ones, cause it messes up the air, u could also plat a tree :-)

  9. Build yourself a wind turbine, clothes line, solar water heater, or plant a garden.

    You don't want the ozone to go down, that would be bad news. Green house gasses and the ozone layer are two separate issues.

  10. If I really want to do something for the earth that will change it forever what should I do?

    Vote AGAINST obama.

  11. You have good ambitions, but make sure you are headed in the right direction. The best thing you could do is start a fabulously profitable company. This way, you can employ hundreds of people and provide their families a wonderful life. Most people bad mouth the companies, but look at all the people they employ and also all they donate to causes. Sure they use it as advertising, but so what? The charities do not mind. So the next time you bad mouth a company, think about what you are really saying. The corp is only made up of people working to better their lives.

    I have been involved in some charities, and you know what, most of the participants were business leaders in the community, not the activists.

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