
If I reject female roles, will women look down on me?

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I'm not your typical girl. I'm suppose I'm what you call "butch". A masculine girl.

The thing is, if I don't have kids, don't become a housewife, don't go to hens party night, don't wear a white dress to my own wedding, I'm basically taking myself out of the female race, right?

Good =) Never fit in with women anyway.




  1. Women will look down on who ever is different. if your female peers are all married, they will make you feel bad with "innocent" questions, "so, when are you going to get yourself a man?", "would you not think of settling down?"

    same goes if you decide not to have children, enjoy recreational s*x with different people, buy the wrong shoes, buy the right shoes, get the wrong colour or get a great colour!

  2. People who make judgements based on appearance or conforming to stereotypes are usually not very bright, or just outright prejudiced. Who wants friends like that, anyway?

    You might start by aiming to be yourself, and befriending people who like you for that, instead of trying to 'fit in'.

    White dresses, hen's nights and what you do for a living are all just external facts of each other's lives ~ they don't much matter to the person you are inside, unless you only care about those things. If you do, you're as superficial as the people you criticise.

    Many people prefer a genuine person as a friend, rather than a stereotype with nothing to bring to the table except a bunch of worn out prejudices.

    Step one is valuing yourself, when you do that you'll find people will like you a lot more.

    Cheers :-)

  3. No you're not! I happen to appreciate the fact that you're unique and not what ppl stereotype as being female. Women are so much more than the credit we get! Don't conform to those traditional roles...BE YOURSELF! You have the love the life YOU live! So live your life and no one else's! Hope this helps!

  4. Me too! Don't worry about it. We're not out of the female race, we're out of the biased female stereotypes =)

  5. No, definitely not. If anyone does, that's just their opinions. Your opinion differs that's all.  In this day and age, people are more open with their own genders, whether they're in male or female bodies, they basically behave the way they feel most comfortable with themselves. And that's a good thing. :-)

    Best of luck to ya!

  6. No way! And by not doing those things, you're not taking yourself out of being a female at all, hahaha. That's ridiculous, a female requires having two X chromosomes. Everything else can and does vary. A ton. So I hate to say it, but you're still very much "in the club". :P

    If I said otherwise to you, I would be a hypocrite, anyway. Personally, I like being really feminine, it's part of who I am and I feel it comes really naturally to me with my personality. I believe everyone should be able to act however they want to and I've actually been told by older women that I'm not a real "modern woman" and I can't support feminist/equalist values properly because I enjoy being feminine. This is wrong and goes against everything that equal rights stands for. Not only that but it's divisive among women as a whole and creates a hierarchy among women which should not ever exist. It's wrong on so many levels that I'm usually completely taken aback and don't even know what to say to these women because I don't know where to begin telling them how insane and cruel their mentality is and how it destroys everything they stand for.

    So yes, if I'm a woman, you're a woman. We're all women and we can do whatever we want as long as we're not hurting ourselves or others. This includes tearing each other down. In some ways, I'm a tomboy, too. We're all 3 dimensional here, we don't have to be "this" or "that".

  7. No, you will not be looked down upon, as a matter of fact most women will praise you for it, especially if they are a feminist. I don't see anything wrong with a woman choosing not to raise a family and becoming a career woman, but I do have serious issues with abortion. ;-)

  8. Let's just say that you are describing the love of my life. We have been partnered now for 5 years. I am (a man) a bit on the sensitive and feminine side, and I love who I am.

    She on the other hand is a personality such as you describe yourself, and I see her EVERY BIT the Goddess that she is, despite what others have said about her "butch"ness.

    We have a wonderful, if socially weird, relationship based on roles we are both happy and comfortable with. And, neither of us sees any  less in the other for stepping outside of "accepted" gender/society roles.

    In short, we are happy with each other just the way we are.

    You GO Girl! Be who you are and in time, the universe will bend itself to your will.

  9. Um . . . no. You're still a woman no matter how you behave. I'm not doing any of those things (although I wouldn't call myself butch), and I'm still part of the "female race."

  10. Be true to yourself.  Don't ever worry what people think.  I support you.  Who says females have to act a certain way?  Men, that's who.

  11. This is America, you can self-identify as anything you want!

  12. Some people will love you some will hate you, many women will be attracted to you.  Hey handsome is as handsome does, enjoy your self!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Be who you want to be. I wouldn't define myself as a "masculine girl", but the things you mentioned, I don't plan on doing them either. So what?


    P.S. I agree 100% with the person above me.

  14. Asked and answered.

  15. Hopefully you will able to earn enough to own your place in life. More women are now earning the money for a house instead of a divorce dealing to get one.

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