
If I renounce my US citizenship in the United States, what happens to me?

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I do not have dual citizenship, but am digsusted with being a US citizen. Most countries worth living in do not allow us to become citizens of their countries, but we bring them in by the boatloads here from India and Pakistan, China, Korea, Poland.

I do not like the United States. I do not want t be a citizen of this country and would gladly swap with a Russian or a Turk. Can I swap citizenship with someone?




  1. I do not think it is permitted swapping citizenships, but if you renounce your American citizenship, you're just not a citizen. You should come to Canada.

  2. Go to h**l!

    America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Your clearly a ***** and don't deserve freedom. Get the h**l out of my country.

  3. It is not as easy as you might think to become a nonAmerican.

    You have to be in a foreign country and then go to a US embassy or consulate. They will ask you all kinds of questions to make sure you understand the ramifications and to determine that you are sane. Also, they will make every assessment to make sure you are not just trying to avoid paying taxes.  

    You can easily be rejected.  If they approve it , it is virtually impossible to get it back.  You will lose your US passport immediately.  Which is dangerous business.  You will never again have any protection from the US.  If you get in trouble abroad you will be on your own.  No US embassy will help you.  It is a profound thing you are considering with many ramifications for you.  Please think long and hard before you do anything.

  4. The following link should answer all your questions.

    In my opinion, however, in a situation of becoming an expatriate it is better to go TO an opportunity, rather than AWAY from a problem.

  5. Good luck

  6. i agree 100% with mr. artless. you have it better in this country than you would in any other country in the world you ungrateful prick.

    canada is just like America, except it sucks.

  7. Go to h**l!

    America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Your clearly a p***y and don't deserve freedom. Get the h**l out of my country.

  8. That is the stupidest thing I've heard of. If the U.S. was so bad why do you think there are so many other people trying to get in. If the U.S. is so bad they why does it allow other people to live here and become citizens of the Country, while other Countries will not. Why don't you just move to Russia and see how well you really like it there. Moron.

  9. If you renounce your citizenship you better already have a country that's accepted you. Actually you can't renounce until then but you can lose your citizenship if you conspire with the enemy. You don't want to go there pal. We have our flaws but all in all we're the best. Join the service they need a few good men.

  10. Well, where exactly would you go? You need to line someplace up to live or else you need to get a boat and set sail. Without citizenship to any country you are legally nothing. As a former US citizen you have even less right to stay in the US than a citizen of another country - just 30 days per year - whereas a citizen of a country like England, Ireland, Canada, etc....can stay for 90 days without special visas.

    No, you cannot "swap" citizenship. Life and governments do not work that way. Why should any other country take you? What skills can you offer them?

    Look into emigrating elsewhere - good luck, it is not an easy process unless you are highly skilled. All countries have their problems -  most very similar to that which plague the US.  Name a problem that the US has that other nations don't. We all live in the same world, and things aren't so rosey in other countries either. Travel a bit, it will open your eyes. Not saying you shouldn't live abroad - but be practical.

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