
If I replace my laptop battery will it have any effect on my saved files?

by Guest34228  |  earlier

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My current laptop battery is essentially dead. So I'm getting a new one tomorrow. By replacing batteries will it have any effect on saved files or anything else? Should I go through the process of backing things up? Or should it be fine?




  1. wall i keep my laptop on charge 24\7

    and my battrys fried so if you get a new battery

    dont charge it all day and night

  2. It will have no effect whatsoever.  Just make sure the laptop is off and unplugged when you swap the batteries.

  3. i dont know where you get that idea but your computer has a hard disk where it stores all your files. the battery is separate and it just delivers power to your computer so it can be turned on. replacing it will only restore the power.

  4. Nope!

  5. it shouldn't have any affect as the files should be saved to a drive that inside the hard drive. However, even thought it isn't necessary you could still back it up if you want

    hope that helps XD

  6. Your files are stored on your hard drive so replacing the battery would not have any impact on your files.

    You should back up your files on a regular basis.

  7. No, no effect at all.

  8. none

  9. no u will lose evrything

  10. The battery should just clip in and out, nothing is saved on it and it simply gives life to the laptop and that is it. Clip the old one out and the new one in and everything will be fine. Xx

  11. No it won't. Similarly, files don't disappear from a desktop when it is unplugged. They are on the HDD, not in the memory.

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