
If I seal the entrance that bumble bees use to get into the living room will they use or make another hole?

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will they make another hole some place else or make another hole? I can't figure out why these bees are coming in and this is the first year I've ever seen them inside the house. They have been around but never came inside. Wildlife and pest/ nusience pest person said they don't want to be inside the house and enter accidently. Seems to think they are harmless. Are these the kind that have hives, or make honey or do they just come and go. I've also noticed these bees outside the windows and seem like they are trying to get in and bounce off the windows. They are such a nuisence that spray is needed on the windows. They (the bees) are huge, really big, with big wings and the abdonmen looks like a hive shape. We don't get carpenter bees. So that is not likely.




  1. Jamadu once you block there entrance, that will be the last of them.  They will not make another hole.  

    Good Luck

  2. you might have a huge honey hive inside your walls. contact the conservation department.

  3. Bumble Bees only came in because they found the hole. They will not make a hole "to come in" so go ahead and seal the entrance. They look for existing holes usually in the ground. Carpenter Bees are the bees that bore holes in wood. They are as you say "huge"

    Bumble Bees are large but not as large as the Carpenter your familiar with.

    Good Luck,  ;-)

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