
If I send a picture to someone, and they sendn them....... legal question.?

by  |  earlier

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If I sent pictures to someone, and they are threatening to send them around is it possible to sue them for sending them around?

Like, say they don't have my permission to spread them, can I charge them or anything if they give it out?

Me and this guy I used to really like got in a fight.. a huge one... and he has pictures of my chest and stuff, and I really don't want them getting around.

What is a way I could get him if he does send them..? If there is a way. PLEASE AND THANKS!!!!




  1. That's blackmail. Since you're 17, distributing those pictures could well be a felony.

    Though, I wouldn't be too worried. If he shares them around that just means he's a prick- it says nothing about you.

  2. It's a civil matter.....which means it's not a police matter.....unless you are underage.  How old are you?  In that case your parents would have to be the complaining party.

    In MO you're a legal adult....IDK where you live.....probably SOL!  Live in screwed aren't going to do that again.  As far as the guy.....what a b*****d!

  3. You gave them away, he can do the same

    but don't overreact to his threat,

    "Hey how did he do that, put my head on someone else's body"

    I love photoshop, and if you ever need help

  4. your not 18 call the cops if he could be called distributing child p**n......he may get in trouble just for having them....

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