
If I shoot lots of free throws will i score better in basketball?

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if i shoot 100-300 free throws a day.Shoot 30 shots from each shot.And just shoot around for alot of hours.Will that get me a killer Jumpshot.any tips or suggestions for improving next season for basketball.Because i'm in high school and this will be the years i have to be really serious with basketball.Sorry this was wrong.Thankz




  1. free throws are the key to getting a good shot, you are FINALLY someone that knwos what they are doing.  Forget dunking, thats ridiculous.  Basketball shooting is muscle memory and the more you shoot, the more accurate you will become.  Keep shooting foul shots daily.  I used to set a goal. Id shoot 100 and if i didnt make 92 id start again at zero and stand there allllll day if I had to till i made 92.  It makes you very good.  

  2. The answer is yes, IF you shoot with proper form.  Shoot jumpers not only with good form, but practice them at game speed, off the pass and off the dribble.  Get good coaching on your shooting form or at least get a good shooting video, like Better Basketball-

    Shooting 2, or tapes by Andy Enfield, Buzz Braman or Dave Hopla.

  3. well if u jump when u shoot then u maybe able to do it .. umm u should try to shoot from many areas not only the free shoot..u should also learn the dribble fast and also learn crossovers it very usefull!!

  4. Simply shooting will help you as a shooter, but in order to be really a better player, you need to practice with other ppl. Learn how to drive the ball when there is defense and also passing is very neccessary.  The key is playing with others, because when you do play for real, you wont always have open jumpers all day.

    Also shooting free throws will only help you with your free throws and free throws only.  It will have no effect on your jumpers from other areas.  When shooting free throws, the body si more relaxed and the guy doesnt worry about dribbling, they only worry about positioning their body.  And a majority of great free throw shooter actually dont use the same arm motion when shooting free throws than when they shoot jumpers.

    Good Luck making the team.

  5. youre shot might be better but then again idk becasue youre shooting without jumping

  6. It will definitley be a huge help. I also suggest to take shots with someone defending you. Shoot all kind of shots. Do not focus only on free throws. Good luck in high school.

  7. Yes, unless you shoot free throws like Shaq.

  8. Whatever you're doing you can be sure that it's not hurting you.  Find somebody to talk to, a coach will do a much better job of helping you than I will.

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