About how long would it take for me to be shipped off for basic? My recruiter said it can take awhile for proscessing or to get me in an open slot, is this true? also, he also said I can request not to leave until a certain date(Such as I put down I do not want to leave before Jan 1, 09 and I will not leave until at least that day or shortly thereafter) is this true as well?
Also, I am in pretty well excellent shape currently, and do not have any real physical issues as of me writting this(I say currently not wanting to jinx myself of getting hurt...I get superstitous sometimes lol). How well would I have to score on the ASVAB to get a good selection of jobs? I know it varies but how high would you project.
And finally, what is some of the best jobs to choose that have shorter time at Technical schools and shorter or less likely to deploy more than once a year?