
If I smoke 1-2 cigarette a day will that do serious damage to my health?

by Guest45256  |  earlier

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Im 18 years old and i have been smoking on and off for about a year. Some weeks i wont smoke at all and then i will have 5 cigarettes in one day. Am i doing my body serious harm? Im gonna try to stop soon, but its really just casual friendly smoking.




  1. I promise you it won't just stay casual and social. That's how i started out, and everyone i know, i wouldn't even buy my own pack for a while, just bum here and there and usually not even during the weekdays. Now i smoke at least a pack a day and have tried to quit several times with several fails. It feels like you'll never addicted, but truth is, it's made so you will.  

  2. No matter how much you smoke, you're still hurting yourself with the damage to your health.

    It's such a shame that I still smoke every now and then when I'm with friends. I try to limit myself to how many cigarettes I smoke in a day, and I try to smoke less than twice a day. You may not see the effects now, but later the effects will catch up you, the health effects.  

  3. nah it takes about 12 hours for your body to heal 1 cigg one thing is to drink water before and after not durring.




    In all seriousness, I waited until my 18th b-day to smoke a cig, and I've been at a pack a day since.  

    Easy answer, not really.  1-2 cigs aren't going to kill you.

    HOWEVER any smoker will tell you there is NO SUCH THING as 1-2 cigs a day.

    And I...PRAY to God that they can only do 1-2 a day.  While some have gone to 1-2 packs a day.

    I pray for us all.

  5. In short, yes.  Let me elaborate.  There are little hair like extensions located in your esophagus (throat).  These "hairs" main job is to act as a filter.  For example, when you take a breath along with oxygen, nitric oxide, and CO2 you get debri.  Debri can cause obstructions in your airway and your lungs.  Possible effects, pneumonia, lung infection, sore throat, etc.  Ok back to the subject, when you take ONE puff from a cigarette your cilia (those hairs) become paralyzed.  Although it is not permanent it takes several smoke free days for them to become functional again.  Hope this helps.

  6. No, the amount is trivial -- it's not much more likely to harm a healthy 18-year-old than a bunny rabbit. The risk is that you might end up smoking more with time. Some people do, some people remain light or social smokers. That you've been doing it occasionally this long suggests that you'll be in the latter category. People who are going to be heavy smokers usually ramp up the quatity they smoke pretty quickly.

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