
If I snooker myself can the other player put me back and play again as he would do if he has snookered me?

by  |  earlier

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If the other player snookers me and then I am unable to get out of it he may make me play again and again. If I snooker myself during a break can the other player make me play again and agin if I am unable to get out of the snooker that I have left myself?




  1. Yes I'm afraid so.Just make sure you can hit it next time.You need a proper referee to apply the 'miss'rule.It's complicated and it depends on how good a player you are.

  2. Any time you commit a foul, your opponent can request you to take the next shot if he doesn't fancy it him/herself

  3. Good Question I think yes but if you nominate the pink and miss it the other player would get 6 points and  would have a free ball and then snooker you, so I don't think that would happen

  4. Yes, but only if a miss is called

  5. yes, it will b the same as if he has snookered u. he can make u play the same shot again n again(given that a 'miss' is called everytime)until u finally hit the nominated ball. unless that frame is already in a 'snooker required stage', which means he needs to snooker u (n u hv to foul!!) in order to get enuf pts to win that frame, then a miss wont b called n he cant hv the white put back to where it was.

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