
If I started in costa rica could I make it to brazil safely, (by bike) being an american?

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If I started in costa rica could I make it to brazil safely, (by bike) being an american?




  1. I would not recommend it. Highways are very dangerous places for bikers and roads in rural areas are very bad, if not impenetrable at times. Also, as a foreigner in these countries, especially as an American, you are a target for all sorts of problems. The majority of the people of the people you encounter will be nice and friendly, but chances of run-ins with unsavory character are great due to the length of such a trip. As the previous answerer mentioned, guerrillas (not gorillas) in Colombia are an issue. Americans are advised not to go to Colombia at all, much less cross border areas on bicycle.

    To answer your question, "maybe." Is it worth the various risks? Only you can decide.

  2. No... making that trip by car would be dangerous.. bike would be really crazy and dangerous.... you would have border problems, problems with other drivers, crime in some places, possibility of kidnapping in a few spots, roads with 1000+ foot cliffs and no guard rails, etc..

  3. Personally, that you were American would not put you in that much danger, Costa Rica exists today economically because of tourism. Still, I would say no, simply because a lot of people try things like this and get just about halfway before realizing that they can't overcome the task in front of them. If you are capable of doing this, however, I would suggest you do, simply because those minor excursions completely change your outlook on the life of the common American

  4. I think the main problem would be crazy drivers.  People would be amazed that you'd do such a thing, so they'd probably be very kind to you, but I'm afraid cars and trucks there just don't respect pedestrians or slower moving vehicles, and in some places the exhaust would spew out black smoke in your face.  You'd need to get on a boat from Panama to Colombia, and plan your route carefully through Colombia especially because of the gorillas;-)  Unfortunately I'd have to say, all things considered, that you wouldn't make it safely.

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