
If I starve myself will I lose weight faster?

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I want to starve myself for about 1week along with some exercise but I don't know How serious this is because, I don't want to faint??? Oh and ya I will be drinking water constantly




  1. eat high protein low carb stuuf u lose weight and wont die

  2. Not a good idea.....

  3. No, Starving yourself wont help. It will just make you look unhealthy.If you want to lose weight then go on a vegetarian diet for a while. Butt personally I like guys to have a few extra pounds. And really don't like the muscly ones.They just seam nicer and funner to hang out with. I tried being a vegetarian for like a year and I got really thin so I stopped.

  4. if you loose weight this way you will notice a drastic difference in the way you go about doing things... becoming more tired, and needless to say hungry.

    Its "ok" if you REALLY need to do it, but you will get stuck yo-yo dieting if you do it more often, which isn't going to help your health.

  5. yeah you will loose weight faster, but this is not the healthy way to loose weight at all.

  6. no because you have to eat to lose weight but not pigging out on food but just  enough to no make you hunger and eat helthy foods  

  7. Yes but it's not recommended.

  8. guy that starve themselft to lose weight, that kinda new to me!

  9. uhmm. first of all, starving your self is extremely unhealthy. second, when you do starve yourself, you won't have the energy to exercies so you will probably faint, and your heart could stop working. Third, drinking alot of water can make you bloated. and lastly, When you do start eating, you'll gain all that weight back and MORE. so don't starve yourself.


    eat several SMALL means throughout the day. drink enough water but not too much. cut down on sugars and watch ur calorie intake. exercise 30-40 minutes a day, cardio and pilates work the best. Eat fruits or vegetables with almost every meal and drink GREEN TEA! for a sweetener add a little honey [no sugar!].

    good luck!  

  10. ya!~ it's fast, but bounce back faster as well!~

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