
If I stop breastfeeding my baby when he is 6 months do I have to give him formula until he is 1 year old?

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If I stop breastfeeding my baby when he is 6 months do I have to give him formula until he is 1 year old?




  1. Yeah, you cant give a child under 1 cows milk.

  2. Yes because you have to either use breastmilk or formula for the first 12 months then you can slowly switch to whole or 2% cows milk unless baby can't handle milk then you go to soy milk instead...but yes if you stop nursing at 6 months that means baby must get formula for 6 months.

  3. yeah

  4. Yes. Cows milk after 12 months

  5. Yes.  Breastmilk or formula is needed for the first yr.  Cow's milk should not be introduced before the first year and soy or rice milk that you get in the store does not have the nutrients that formula does so those cannot be substiuted.

  6. yes

  7. yes you have to give a milk formula for the nutrients...

  8. yes i would so your child is able to life a good life. i did this both my babies

  9. Yes, because cow's milk does not have the nutrients that your baby needs. Your baby can get very sick if he's fed cow's milk instead of formula or breastmilk. He cannot thrive on solid food and juice alone, either.

    Formula is expensive, and not as good for your baby as breastmilk. If possible, I would suggest that you put off weaning until he's at least a year old. If you must wean, then get a good quality formula.

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