
If I stop eating foods that give me gas will that help slow down global warming?

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You know, assuming it exists and all. I figure if they watn me to cut back on my meat cause the cows cause it, then I should cut back on the whole grains because I do.




  1. Haha.  

    It would technically make  a little bit of difference, but nothing significant.

  2. what is this world coming to?

    this question amazes me.

  3. The circle of life my friend, it's the circle of life.

  4. Did you know that Al Gore invented Global Warming right after he invented the internet.  It is all his fault.  At least the internet is useful and won't kill us.  Global warming will kill us all.  He should have stopped inventing after the internet.   Now we will all die.  I wonder what he will invent next, I hope  it won't kill off humanity.

  5. We could just try to hold it in. Then we might spontaneously combust. You may be on to something.

  6. dont think tat will work. but u can go try u never know if it realli work.

  7. Nope because you will still open your mouth and spew c**p just from the top end not the bottom end.

  8. not just you will do it.

    you need to get about 1000 people or so to stop doing it and maybe it will work

  9. so wat u wanna stop farting?

  10. Cut back on the beans and eliminate all exercise.

  11. If all the DENIERS and skeptics did it, it really might cause another ice age.

  12. That should do the trick.  Also, you'll want to watch out for MANBEARPIG!!!  (he's attracted to gas)

  13. I just take all my clothes off when it gets too warm,....

  14. if you think farting less will make the sun produce less heat then sure do what you want... but i don't know how cows farting made the temperature on mars increase as well as earth...

  15. Global Warming is a myth - eat all the chili you want!  Read the stats in Glenn Beck's book - they are very interesting!  

    Gore is a hypocrite and scientists do not agree that we have a problem.  Humans don't have that much power over the environment.  

    This is an expensive political issue, nothing more!

  16. Heck yeah, the world would be better if we farted less. Oh the poor atmosphere!!!!!!!!!!!!  **farts**      .....**wipes**

  17. Ya that will sure work!!!!!!!!!! No it wont work!!!! What are you a 5 year old?

  18. I happen to know for a fact that former Vice President Al Gore consumes, on average, 15 spicy-hot beef and bean burritoes each and every day. My ex-girlfriends sister's brother-in-law shook hands with the guy who's next door neighbor's former landlord empties his dumpster 3 times a week.

    The nasty microwave kind.

    Glenn Beck is a mama's boy!

  19. You've left all this a little late, really.

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