
If I stop smoking, will I gain weight or lose weight?

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If I stop smoking, will I gain weight or lose weight?




  1. Its by no means certain but generally people gain weight.

  2. every time I tried quitting I gained weight cuz I'm always snacking.  Most people will gain a few pounds.  Just eat healthy and exercise and excerising will keep your mind off smoking.

  3. If you don't take the necessary steps to maintain the weight that you are at now then more then likely you will gain. Smoking boosts the bodies metabolism which affects the way we burn fat and calories..

    Try starting a higher then normal protein diet and holding back on carbs. When I quit smoking, I realized that cigs took the place meals, rather then eating something small I'd light up. I started having a protein shake in the morning, a small snack like a 100calorie yogurt mid morning, decent lunch, another small snack mid afternoon, then a well balanced desserts. If I had a craving for a cig or food, I would drink a full 8oz glass of water...I lost 8lbs...and felt better. Don't let the weight gain influence your choice to quit, a little weight gain is alot better then lung cancer. :)

  4. not if you exercise

  5. you'll gain, unless you work really hard not to, like you have the habit of having a cigarette in your mouth, so you put the feeling back by putting food in your mouth.

  6. you will not lose weight.

    you will probably gain a little. everyone that i know who quit smoking, gained some. including myself. don't let that discourage you though. being a few pounds overweight is better then what smoking will do to you. and the good news is, those that did gain weight, lost it again in no time.

    i sincerely wish you the best of luck.

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