
If I stored all my blood (Autologous) when sober and put it back when drunk, would I become sober again?

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Just wondering... if I transferred 5 Litres of my own blood over an extended period and stored it somehwere, then when I was drunk drained all my "drunk" blood and replaced it with "sober" blood would I become immediately sober?




  1. Blood store...........Cold store

  2. Yes and No - if you were transfused with blood that had no BAC (blood alcohol content) then technically you would become sober momentarily. But the effectiveness of the transfusion would depend on when you had your last drink. If you still had intoxicating beverages in your digestive system and the BAC had not reached it's peak, then the BAC in the transfused blood would also rise.

    Approximately 20% of alcohol (ethanol) is absorbed into the bloodstream directly from the stomach, and 80% from the small intestine. Consequently, the longer the ethanol/alcohol remains in the stomach, the slower it will be absorbed into the blood stream. It will also take longer for the blood alcohol concentration to reach it's peak.

    This explains the apparent sobering effect of food, which slows the process of emptying the stomach contents, slows the absorption of alcohol, and reduces the peak BAC reached.

    Regurgitating the contents of the stomach would solve problem 1. However the alcohol entering the blood stream from the intestines would continue to "contaminate" the transfused blood with alcohol.

    Alcohol disrtibution also depends on a persons body fat. Ethanol is highly soluble in water and is absorbed much less in fat. So alcohol tends to distribute itself mostly in tissues rich in water (muscle) instead of those rich in fat.

    Think of a tall, thin person and a short, fat person who both weigh 150 pounds. The short, fat person will have more fat and less water making up his body than the tall, thin person. If both people, in this example, consume the same amount of alcohol, the short, fat person will end up with a higher BAC. This is because the alcohol he drank was spread into a smaller water "space."

    Metabolism (elimination):

    The liver metabolizes about 90% of the ethanol. The lungs excrete about 5% during exhalation (breathing out). Alcohol excretion by the lungs forms the basis for Breathalyzer testing. Another 5% is excreted into the urine. Some of the alcohol is converted to other substances (such as fat, as in "beer belly"). Some is burned as energy and converted to water and carbon dioxide.

    The average person metabolizes about 1 drink per hour.

  3. what does sober meen

  4. you would would be dead

  5. Yeah, pretty much.  Your blood alcohol level would drop pretty much instantaneously, and your body tissues (especially your brain) would not be in contact with alcohol, so you'd sober up pretty much immediately.

  6. OMG i love you.

    You have found the answer to all of our questions...


  7. LOL

    No, since alchool is stored in other tissues too, like muscles, organs, brain etc.

  8. ewww pretty gross.

    dunno why you would drink blood, but i get what you mean

    maybe, i think..

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