
If I substitute at a daycare center do you think they will eventually hire me full time?

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I am going into to meet a lady at a daycare to be a sub. when ever needed but really I am looking to work a daycare full do you think once they see how good I am with the kids will they hire me full time???

I am 18 years old and I am getting my AA degree in early childhood education but have not finished all the classes yet. I still have a semester to go.




  1. Good help is hard to find, much less educated help from people who are obviously motivated.  Wouldn't surprise me a bit if you were offered the next opening.  Also if you are a paid sub, you are considered a part-time employee and can receive preference in hiring over a non-employee.  Most companies hire within if available (in-house positions) rather than incurring the expense to recuiter outside of their agencies if they can help it.

  2. Yes, subbing is a great way to get a full-time job. One the children  and parents know you. And the schools knows you.

  3. If they are hiring you as a sub, chances are that is the only position that they have available at this time. Let her know that you are interested in becoming full time as soon as possible and that as soon as there is a FT opening that you would greatly appreciate being considered.  Highly likely that they will just move you to FT when needed seeing as how you would already be an established employee, familiar with the kids, know the policies/procedures, and they know your work ethics. Until then, volunteer all the extra time you have, so that they see how committed you are. If you happen to hear a co-worker discuss and upcoming plan that they need off for or to switch with, jump in and offer to come in.

    If in the event that they know they won't have an opening for quite awhile, look into other centers. Daycares are always hiring, it shouldn't be too hard. Best of luck!

  4. I started out as a sub, and it took me 3 months to get a full time position. I had pretty steady work though, in the center I work at someone is always off!

    Just try to make yourself as available and flexible with your hours as possible for now, to show that you are commited to this job.

    Good Luck!

  5. Yes, If you are doing a good job, I'm sure you will be be hired when they need a fulltime person. It is hard finding good preschool teachers!

  6. That is a great way to "try out" for a position because they see what you can do, but remember, they might not hire you right away simply because they don't have a full time position available. Don't put all you eggs in one basket.

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