
If I switch my gas supplier (UK) Will it be mandatory for me to pay by direct debit?

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If I switch my gas supplier (UK) Will it be mandatory for me to pay by direct debit?




  1. No, if your using a website like uswitch some of the companies may require you to set up a direct debit, but not all of them. If your changing over through a companies website then you should be able to choose how you pay your bill and how often, monthy, orquarterlyy etc. It all really depends on the method you choose to switch with!

  2. NO you can pay by whichever method suits you, cash/ cheque by quarterly bill, d debit or use a payment card n pay as much as u like into the account as often as u like to stop yourself from getting a big bill. Obviously some companys like u to pay direct debit but its really up to you to choose whichever suits your needs

  3. no, you can pay cheque by post or cash/cheque at the bank or post office. however some companies will give you a discount for paying by dd.

  4. I don't think that it's mandatory but they will charge you extra if you don't, so it would be more cost effective

  5. Don't be too hastey to switch.. they will ALL be announcing price hikes in the coming weeks.. trust me, British Gas is just the first, not the exception.

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