
If I switch to a strict vagatarian diet will I lose weight?

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If I switch to a strict vagatarian diet will I lose weight?




  1. probably not a vegetarian diet, but an organic vegan diet will!! no meat, no dairy.

  2. yes if done right, but honestly... you should be vegetarian for reasons such as "love and compassion for animals" vs "hate and rancor towards your belly fat" sorry but true

  3. yes, you will.  but dont make a dramatic switch.  if you eat poor right now, and all of a sudden switch to all veggies and fruit, its not good for you.  youll probably gain it all back as quickly as you lost it, once you start not eating vegetarian.   if you want to lose weight, do it gradually so you dont binge. be patient too

    i wigh you the best of luck =)

  4. it depends on how much of what that you eat.

    Obviously, you can't gorge on chips and soda or even fruit and vegetables and expect to lose weight.

    Balance.  Eating some fruits and veggies and grains in moderation may well cause you to lose weight.

  5. If you want to switch to a "vag"atarian diet, you should be placing your question in the Relationships category, not the Vegetarian one.

  6. Yes. Meat makes people grow big and thick. Definitely! I guarantee you'll lose at least 5 pounds. Most vegetarians I know are skinny and healthy! Hope you make a good choice!!!! Ciao!

  7. if you excersise

  8. It depends if you eat less calories than you take in. If you do end up losing weight, I would make sure it isn't muscle you are losing because if your body is deprived of protein it will eat away at your own muscle.

  9. I didn't, but I don't eat very healthy.

  10. strict vegetarianism is not for use to lose weight.  do not treat it as that. if you do not believe in veganism, there is no way you will stay commited. join weight watchers.

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