
If I take up swimming a regular basis say twice a week for an hour how long would it take before my tummy?

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starts to firm up In my early sixties and have had three children so the tummy is a bit flabby. It has to be swimming as I have back problems.




  1. That depends on how sensibly you eat.

    It might also be an idea to find a swimming instructor who can help you work on specific parts of your body.

    Pilates is also good for people with back problems, incidentally.  

  2. Don't forget to look at your diet whilst you are there reduce your calorie intake in order to reduce fat/weight and in general just eat healthy then you will see results in no time.  

    All the best : )  

  3. You'll notice a difference in a couple months.  When you swim, be very body conscious, correct form is very important for what you want to do. Also, go hard, swim like they're somethin big following you. Take it easy on the dairy, if you're at all like me, it's a terrible vice that causes weight to increase like nothin else.  

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