
If I throw together a BLOCK party today will you come tomorrow...what will you bring...♥?

by  |  earlier

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  1. A bag to pick up all the garbage, lysol, bleach to disinfect after your little "friend" and I will be forever suspicous as to why I was not invited the day of the party!


  2. Boxing gloves so I could punch you in the face.

  3. juice

  4. muffins..

  5. me anything you want to bring

  6. I'll bring the tylenol.

  7. I am bringing rubber gloves to this one...eeewwww!

  8. i'll get something to drink

  9. Onion Dip

  10. a case of yur choice-, rum, vodka, beer (mickies  )  and some lubricant called wett, and some tequila

  11.   my kids super soaker water gun so i can soak that shirt of yours

  12. ill bring spare undies ummm a L*****n, a d***o and my mika cd

  13. Cream & custard puffs.

  14. blocked.  Don't worry, he won't be around long.

  15. That would really make my weekend. I can bring whatever would make you smile the most. Name it.

  16. i will get there with bells on my toes. thanks for the notice

  17. I've already caught herpes from here, I refuse to catch anything else!

    I'll bring the bean dip.

  18. I'll bring my best hangover

  19. Beer and nibbles..

  20. y would i go tomorrow if the block party is today?

  21. Condoms

  22. Thanks, sugar.  Shall I bring some Italian sausage?

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