
If I told you I had s*x with my cat what would you say?

by Guest62435  |  earlier

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Er....just curious




  1. I'd ask you what it was like. And if you enjoyed it. Haha..

  2. I'd say your a very bad person for suggesting or even thinking of something so sick and morbid. Your probably one of those satanic people who go around sleeping with stray cats. After you've had your way with them you probably drop them off in some alley of such and retreat to your home of evil. We can both agree that you've probably been molested or touch by a personal or close friend or family member. I would like to add that you need to seek some type of help either somewhere in the mental health field or something spiritual ( I mean god not the devil) I will pray for you today and tonight that you will be able to get those thoughts out of your head and stop doing what  you do. May god bless you  

  3. ew?

  4. Meow, me-oh no!


  6. Is your cat male or female?  Either way, both sexes have rough tongues, and male cats have barbed penises, so I would probably ask how much it hurt.

  7. I'd say you are lying!  

  8. lol. thats just gross man

  9. I'd be like.....


    but then I'd ask you if you were high when you did it

  10. You are sick in the head and you need to seek medical help. I am disgusted!!

  11. You're a bit.........h.......

  12. Um... it's up to you what you do with your s*x life.  If it's what you love, go for it.  Though, it's apparent that it's not and you're just curious because you said that you were just curious, lol.  Anyway, I don't know, it wouldn't matter to me what you did with your s*x life.  Why should I care, right?  Doesn't change who you are.

  13. i could make a stupid joke relating that to the "p word" but i'm not in the mood so i'm gonna just feel horrible for that poor kitty. haha

  14. Thinking about that makes me shiver, I would just pretend you didn't say anything.

  15. um how did you do that

  16. MEOWWW

  17. A kitty for a kitty, how interesting.

  18. There're more than 6 billion humans, there is no need to seek for alternatives just yet

  19. your into bestiality. figure that if the cat can consent to the relationship then it is good.  

  20. a clone just asked this a minute ago

    but ur not a clone

    so i would say ewww that poor cat

  21. **SHOCK** WHY!?

  22. I would say...HOW??....

  23. its ok, men do it all the time!! think about it.

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