
If I told you I worshipped a flying teapot you would laugh?

by  |  earlier

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and would find my belief deluded and stupid. So why should I have a different viewpoint to the religious... What have you done to earn respect, has your faith actually helped people.




  1. Yes I would laugh....I might also resort to a primitive gesture type language,  pointing at you, slapping my knee repeatedly and holding my sides, to communicate the depths of the hilarity.. ...

  2. You cannot compare a flying teapot to Jesus Christ. How ridiculous!

  3. I would ask you to kindly return to the table so we could continue our afternoon tea.

    Fancy a scone?

  4. Yes, because you have clearly not been led to the light yet. Come with me and I'll reveal the truth to you and you will learn to worship the flying spaghetti monster!

    Prevent global warming, stop killing pirates!

  5. Honestly, the things I've seen my hag Bitsy do with a teapot, 'worshipping it' hardly would raise an eyebrow with me, sassy minx that she is.

  6. Whatever floats your boat.  

  7. have you read the bible? have you studied other religions? your teapot would be about the most sane one of them all.

  8. I'd say you were a disciple of the great Bertrand Russell, and would ask if you'd pour me a cup.

    "The reason organized religion merits outright hostility is that, unlike belief in Russell's teapot, religion is powerful, influential, tax-exempt and systematically passed on to children too young to defend themselves. Children are not compelled to spend their formative years memorizing loony books about teapots. Government-subsidized schools don't exclude children whose parents prefer the wrong shape of teapot. Teapot-believers don't stone teapot-unbelievers, teapot-apostates, teapot-heretics and teapot-blasphemers to death. Mothers don't warn their sons off marrying teapot-shiksas whose parents believe in three teapots rather than one. People who put the milk in first don't kneecap those who put the tea in first."

  9. No more so than usual.

  10. no way,

    I wouldn't laugh at you as long as you could provide me with some reason to why you worshipped it. I mean, you know, some reasoning behind your actions lol.

    So many people believe in God and religion and other deities...but they have a reason for doing so. Like the Greeks and the Pagans..They all have purposes behind their gods and reasons for why each God exists.

    So, if you could tell me ur reasoning behind why you worshipped the teapot then I would be one step closer to understanding why you did what you did and I would cease to be narrowminded about your "faith".

    Many people go out and help others in the name of their faith, like Christian Aid and Muslim Hand ect. You can't deny that these people have made a difference..

    And if this is with regards to their faith then no one can say its a bad thing. As long as you aren't harming anyone with your beliefs about flying teapots then no one can object.



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