
If I told you that I was coming over to your place, what would I expect when I got there?

by  |  earlier

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If I told you that I was coming over to your place, what would I expect when I got there?




  1. Not a thing cos Im going out in a minute, sorry.

  2. well id'e offer you a coffee for your trouble, then tell you to p**s off. hahaha!!!!

  3. the hoover,the washing, a duster,and a note, I've gone to the pub leave key under plant pot when finished.

  4. A warm bed :P Lol

  5. A few drinks and then whatever happens next

  6. no one would be home

    thanks for the heads up !!

  7. a pile of ironing...

  8. helping me with the tent poles

  9. my girl turned up at mine .. with her coat on .. i thought nothing of it .. until she took it off and was naked underneath

    ... ha ha ha  work the rest out   :-)

  10. I wonder if you could Mow the Lawn,,,,,,,,

  11. Well first of all the dogs would jump all over you, by way of a welcome!  Then the kids would get to you, looking for, well, whatever really!  

    Once you got over the doorstep, do you want tea or coffee or juice or maybe something stronger?  

    As a guest, my family would do everything possible to make you feel at home, so come and eat with us, maybe play a few computer games or watch a little TV.  Or just relax, having a good natter, chilling out with pals!

  12. First, I'd move all the stupid things out of sight, like my Guitar Hero guitars and all my little brother's toys. Then I'd make sure the kitchen was nice and the bathroom too. Next is to make sure no undies and dirty clothes are in plain sight in my room. And from there, unless you tell me your plans, that's about all.

    Oh yeah, I may shower too.

  13. A paintbrush,im decorating at the mo !

  14. You should expect nobody to be in.

  15. ...... at least a kiss !

  16. Some clutter, some dust bunnies~but the dishes are washed.

  17. You'd find the front door locked, the lights all switched off, and me hiding behind the sofa.

  18. hmmmm well nothing..... i cant really think of anything lol

  19. A good time. ;)

  20. absoltue bedlam!!!! my kids are running riot and there are toys everywhere!!!! If you are coming bring earplugs!!!! lol

  21. how old are you?

  22. I would make some dinner & maybe listen to some music plus i would make you laugh untill you p**s urself LOL we already get along we can make each other laugh untill we cry U rock Later

  23. I'd cook your some dinner then ply you with drinks.

  24. A cuppa tea and a bicci what time should i expect you???

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