
If I told you this was the sign you've been waiting for...?

by  |  earlier

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...AND it is. What will you do now that it's arrived?




  1. go and party

  2. Continue life in the usual manner... chopping wood and carrying water... perhaps answering a few intelligent questions on Yahoo! Answers.

    Despite the overwhelming daily evidence that humanity as devolved into a life form somewhere between a mollusk and a house cat, I NOW know that there is hope for at least the few remaining people who are bothering to do more than keep themselves entertained.

    As a student of anthropology, this is highly encouraging.  "Don't bother to beam me up, Scotty, there does seem to be some intelligent life down here after all."

  3. that even a real question???

  4. Sorry, I must have been out when the sign arrived.

    What are you talking about?


  5. LOL....I have not been waiting for a sign kind.

  6. If it's a stop sign then I will certainly stop.

  7. Nothing . If it was for me I would know not you . Fraud

  8. i would try to impress u in anyway i can by being sweet and kind

  9. what i had planned doing!!!

  10. Oh Goody Goody Goody! I have degree in Anthropology. So all the fossils have been found and all creationists have now abandoned their myth. Evolution has finally became a accepted fact to them!!! YEAH!!!!- What the h**l are you talking about? Can you be anymore vague?

  11. Yay, yes, yes, the lotto is 125 million, I promise to use it well. Thank you, thank you.

  12. MARRY HIM!!!!

  13. I would investigate it to see if it were logical

  14. When you awake you will find that it all has happened already and now we are living the future of that revelation.

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