
If I travel to south america well there be many poor people?

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If I travel to south america well there be many poor people?




  1. Dear Paula,

    poor people are everywhere!! Just look at teh amount of homeless in NY or Miami, or any other city in the US or the world. Poverty strikes everywhere and yes, there are poor people in South America. They live moslty in shanty towns or favelas and you can see them everyday in the streets but just as you would see people begging in the US or Europe.  In South America you will see a huge contrast bewteen poor and rich, that's the big difference between South America and the rest of the world, there is a huge gap and you will see lots of rich houses, people travelling often, wearing luxury handbags, etc. As in any other place in the world! You really dont need to come to South America to see poor people, just look around your city. And I dont mean it in a rude or offenive way, I am just stating that poor people are not exclusively of South America.

  2. Yes!! Poor people are very common in underdeveloped countries.

  3. It depends on which country you'll go to.

    Not all are the same. It is the same as in USA

    If you go to Harlem or to Little Italy, you can find some bad pple......but not all are the same. Why would South America be different?

    Do you think "rich" countries are better???

    For the ones that said that exists only rich and poor pple......I have to say that they are mistaken.. you'll find poor pple as everywhere. I found more poor pple in the entrance of the Paris' Metro, than in some southamerican cities.

    A middle class exists in almost all the countries.. I SAID "almost all"......not all. the pple that said that......please dont reply if you dont know the truth.

  4. It depends on what south American country your gonna visit.

  5. The people you will find depends on what country and what city you will be traveling. As someone else has answered there is a rich class and a poor class no middle class. You will be approached for money regardless of the country you are in. Be careful as many areas can be dangerous.

    The worse city I have visited was Rio. As soon as you leave the hotel (a big hotel) there were children begging for money, they are all over the area as are the prostitutes.  My experience was near Ipanema Beach. A friend was robbed by knife point by a gang of teenagers that came to the beach from the projects near by, and  this was around noontime.. if you are traveling to Rio stay in a group of friends if possible. The are lots of local people but no one will help you.

    Biggest difference I have seen in my travels is the lack of infra-structure. ie: poor water, poor roads, trash cleanup, telephones, mail delivery.....the things you probably take for granted. This can vary greatly depending on where you are heading.. Good luck...

  6. Depends on which country you go to, and which area within these countries.

    If you go to the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay), you will see much less poverty than in the rest of the continent. The same goes for Costa Rica. These countries have a large middle class.

    Within Mexico, the greatest poverty is located in the northern border towns and in the south of the country. In Brazil, the greatest levels of poverty are in the northern half of the country, and in Rio.

    In general, capital cities have less poverty than rural areas, but this is not always the case.

    Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras and Venezuela probably have the worst levels of poverty, while Bolivia, Haiti and Colombia have the most unequal societies.

    You can't make generalizations about Latin America, because it's a huge continent, and each country is very different from the rest.... from European living standards in Argentina to African living standards in Haiti, it's a continent full of diversity.

  7. There are two types of people in S.A.  The really rich and the really poor.  They do not have a middle class.

  8. What country are you going to?  There are many cities where there are not many poor people or at least not near the touristc bueno aires or rio janeiro...

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