
If I turn up unsolicited at a psychiactric ward in the UK will they admit me?

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It's now two weeks until I see a psychiatrist fr my first assessment but I am afraid that she is not going to take me seriously. I am in horrible anxiety and depression from when I wake up to I go to bed, and I just want to get into treatment for it as soon as possible. 13 August is the earliest appointment the psychiatrist has.

I will be honest and say I am not going to harm myself or others but at the same time I am having great difficulty living like this.

If I put fresh clothes in my bag, some books, etc, and turn up bag in hand at a psychiatric ward will they take me seriously, can I refuse to leave the building? I do realise this would all go on my record and may affect my future, but if I don't get help I won't have much of a future.




  1. Your psychiatrist will take you seriously, the thing that you have to remember is be honest with them. It is a really difficult thing to do, no matter how stupid or rubbish you feel you must tell them how it REALLY is for you. Your local CMHT, Community mental health team will have an emergency number that you can call for help, they also have an out of hours team that you will be able to contact outside of office hours. Your GP, if you have a good one, will be supportive, they should be able to give you info re local support groups. You may also have a MIND in your area, they usually have a drop in service which is useful, relaxed and friendly with excellent staff. You have managed so far, just hold on a little bit longer. You may not need in patient care, with the support of your psychiatrist and appropriate meds then you will be fine in your own home. I have spent time in psychiatric care and the problems on the outside do not go away they can be harder to deal with. There are lots of online support groups if you do not feel able to meet others face to face. My thoughts are with you.

  2. Yes, they will help you. Good luck, I hope you fel better soon. You could also try going to the emergency department of you local hospital.

  3. These days you have to be waving an axe around to be things have changed!! I remember being sectioned for hearing a few voices that wernt harming anyone.

    Anyway, each hospital has something akin to a crises team who will try to support and treat you at home with the input from a psychiatrist, mental health social worker or psychiatric nurse.

    These days You have to be very clear about how anxious and affected you are.....I used to suffer like you and I always played it down to preserve my self dignity which is ironic really when youre speaking to a doctor who is there to hear you out!!

    Good Luck Paul.

  4. I don't live in the UK but if their system is anything like the US, they will absolutely help you out. If you feel like it is an emergency then you should go. That is what they are there for.

  5. Answer from the UK is NO you'd have to go through the system ie Doctor Mental health team being assesed etc - try & wait meanwhile if you struggle call NHS direct they'll get someone qualified to contact you if needs be.

  6. I you have a mental illness they will prescribe you medication which will help.

    But if you turn up at hospital they decide when you leave but if you are severally ill this would be the best thing  to do you would have to take medication you would get better but you could be on it anywhere from  a year to five years before you can be trialed without it.

    It is a major life changing decision you are about to make.

  7. Hey calm down!

    Have you been in touch with your comunity health team.

    Turning up on the door step wont get you in, the doctors are not there full time.

    FRom experiance ,being on the ward is about getting you stable on your meds, You may get involved in some group therapy sessions ,but nothing tailored to you.

    So calm down, one thing I have had to be taught is how to relax, take a step back.

    Its the NHS so calm down, help will come but it takes time.

  8. Go through emergency get help  

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