
If I unplug my TV from the WALL will I be safe from lightning coming out of it?

by Guest67098  |  earlier

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My TV's infront of my bed facing it, and I heard lightning can travel through them, but if I unplug it I should be ok right? Also how far away from windows should I be durring a lightning storm?




  1. It is said that lightning always takes the path of least resistance.  Some TVs have a cable connection, some have a rooftop connection to a rooftop antenna. The rooftop TV antenna should be so mounted so that the TV signal travels downward to your TV set.  The TV set can be turned off and the plug can be removed to stop the lightning from seeking a ground connection through your electrical house wiring as well as seeking a ground through your TV.  The distance to your windows is not a concern unless the windows are open and the rain is coming in with lightning seeking a path to ground.  A lightning arrester can be mounted on your roof that will provide lightning a path to earth ground on the outside of your house.

  2. You should be fine whatever you do. First lightning would have to hit your house...that's not too likely. Then it would have to make its way into your wiring and such, which means it would spread through everything in your house, not just the TV (thus a reduced power level). THEN the lightning would have to take shape again rather than just frying everything in your TV.  Also, regardless of whether or not the TV faces your bed a reformed bolt doesn't have to come straight out. It could go anywhere at all. If you're the most appetizing thing on the menu then it'll hit you no matter where you are in the room. All in all, the odds are miniscule at best and you should be safe. But yes, unplugging the TV will keep the death bolts from striking you down.

  3. That is a step in the right direction ,but also unplug your modem.

        Lightning is like a 1000 lb. Gorilla that walked in the room . What will U let it do??

    Also stay away from metallic things such as long wires, as the strike induces electricity into it and can be quite dangerous..

  4. During a lightning storm, you just need to stay clear of all plugged in appliances.   So to unplug does diminish the risk to you, and also saves energy (all electronics consume energy when plugged in, even if they are turned off).   I found this story about the 5 young people killed by lightning in a week; it has a lot of advice from the authorities.

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