
If I use a calling card to make a call from my home phone, will it show up?

by  |  earlier

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I am wondering if I make a call using a calling card from my home phone, will the number (or anything at all) be listed on my bill? I know I won't be charged, but I want to know if it will be listed anywhere. Thanks!




  1. I think so... When I use a calling card to make a call on my cell phone, the number on the calling card shows up on my bill. However, the number of the person that I am calling does not show up. I'm not sure if the same is true for landline phone bills.

  2. It depends on your calling card "access numbers".

    If the "access" number is a local number, then it is processed the same as all local calls - no toll charge, and thus will not show up on your bill as a line item.

    If the access number is out of your local calling area (and for sure if in another area code) you will be billed for the call to the calling card access number gateway - in essence it is a long distance call, thus billed.

    But, if your calling card access gateway is a 1-800/866/877/888 number, then it is treated as any other toll-free call and should not show up on your phone bill.

    Typically, only calls that are line-itemed as an extra charge show up on your bill.  If it isn't an extra charge, it's wasting space on the bill typically won't be listed.

  3. Whatever number is on the calling card will show up, but not the number of the person you're calling.

  4. If I were you I would call your phone carrier and ask them.

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