
If I use css in my html code for example for <h1> , will it affect the search engin optimization?

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What is the best way to optimize my website?

would you please help me?




  1. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are used for styling the way your text appears on the web page. HTML is used for structure.  For search engine optimisation it is the structure of the page and the text on it that is important. Search engines cannot &quot;see&quot; the styling elements so CSS has nothing to do with SEO.

    So, the answer to your first question - use of CSS will not affect SEO.

    The best way to optimise your website is to have unique content that is well-written.  If you do that, and follow the Webmaster Guidelines here you can&#039;t go wrong:

  2. Well, first things first.

    I need to mention that just by using &lt;h1&gt; headers you are affecting your seo for your site. Whether that is for good or not it depends on how you used the headers to structure your site. If you just added plenty of &lt;h1&gt; tags full of keywords you will probably get banned or get a filter in googles search results +30 or something.

    Using CSS to style your &lt;h1&gt; headers and all the rest like &lt;h2&gt; to &lt;h4&gt; or even text, images, bold texts e.t.c. does not affect your SEO unless you specify light colors over light background or the opposite thing, which makes the text almost or completely hidden or hard to read, even if you use very small font sizes. This could affect your seo in a bad way.

    Use the Headers &lt;h1&gt; to &lt;h4&gt; correctly along with CSS to give them the appropriate emphasis, then try to emphasize some keywords with alt tags for images and titles for links, and even bold,italic or underlined text. Then you need to perform a link building campaign to acquire more links for your site.

    In general, this is the basics of what you would have to do, but plenty more could apply depending on the type of your website.

    Hope this helps

  3. There are many web building tools available, as well as scripting languages. In general, search engine friendly web designs are built using basic HTML and search engines still give value to those HTML tags that are used to place emphasis on content. These tags include the heading tags, H1, H2, H3, etc., as well as font related tags such as bold, italics, strong, etc. One of the best resources on the web is still free and offered at

  4. You need to get books, learn from articles and other websites. There&#039;s no secret or fast way of doing this.

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