
If I use the word Capitalism or Socialism in a sentence, doesn't that make me one or the other?

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  1. No.  Why would you ask?  If you use the word Unicorn or Fairy in a sentence, would that make you one or the other of those?

  2. If your head isn't squarely up Ronald Reagan's bum, then you are a communist. Socialism is too weak a word.

  3. Ah interesting :) Shall watch this space :P

  4. depends on the sentence.

  5. You seem to have a lot of similar questions today, tuba.

    You could be from Mars and use those terms without taking a stance either way so it's an empty question other than the trap you think it provides. What is socialism but weakened communism? What is capitalism but legalizing robber barons. The extremes always see things this way.

    To defend Reagan is pointless but I'll do it anyway. He did not raise taxes, Presidents can't do that. I suggest you read the Constitution. He can approve or veto legislation from the House of Representatives, which during his terms was Democratic. Here's a link so you can read something new.

    It's hard to argue that his 'voodoo economics' worked, just as it worked when Bush43 cut taxes, increasing overall tax revenue.

    I can't and won't defend his actions in Lebanon or his withdrawal, if you think Republicans worship everything Reagan did you must be mistaking us with Democrats who have strong feelings for FDR, JFK and RFK after all this time. And why do you use their initials instead of their names? We don't call Reagan RWR or Lincoln AL. Does it help create the mythos or is it just easier?

    ** edit Tuba, is it too much to ask for you to read other posts, too? I was replying to Richard's claim that Reagan raised taxes when presidents don't have that authority. The matter of iinitials being used for past Democrats is an observation, not some kind of attack on you. Is there some new rule here that we can't address points made in other replies?

    And many had reservations about moving into Lebanon to intervene in their affairs, especially in the restricted way we did, but removing our troops after promising not to was a mistake we're still paying for today. If you can defend his decisions in Lebanon, please do so.

  6. aaron - funny thing is, most conservatives (aka Fox news watchers, Rush listeners) don't have all that much in common with Reagan, but they worship him. Reagan cut a ran from Lebanon. Reagan raised taxes when he realized that the government needed money and trickle-down economics was a failure (just as it is today). You see, modern day "conservatives" seem to believe that we can still have government services with no tax revenue. Magically, the free market will provide all their hearts desire. As if it has so far...

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