
If I volunteered at a senior home..what would I have to do?

by  |  earlier

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I need to complete 40 hours before graduating high school..




  1. hi ralph here in england ,it was so nice to see that you want to volunteer to help at one of these homes,hat a lot of people today for get is that, it is inevitable that one day we will ALL reach that stage in life, respect to you and to your family who bought you up to have these morals, just wish i could shake your hand, godless ,xx  ralph

  2. There are many options for you.  Simply reading to the residents and keeping them company are highly appreciated.  There are sometimes opportunities to do food service as well.  Talk to the staff and let them know what you want to do, before you commit to volunteering.

  3. Give sponge baths to the old men...

    Just kidding, most likely you'll just spend some time with the folks there in the home. Talking, playing games helping with meals etc...

    That's a good thing to do before leaving high school.

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