
If I vomit while in Central America, is it likely because of a parasite, bacteria, or virus?

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I am going to a Central American country on a humanitarian trip. I hate vomiting with a passion. If most 'traveler's diarrhea and vomiting' is caused by a bacteria (and perhaps parasites), than I can pop antibiotics as a prophylactic measure.

Of course, not much I can do to protect from viral gastroenteritis because there really are no inoculations for most (or perhaps any) of them. I read the CDC site about travel; I am really looking for personal experiences.





  1. I have lived in Costa Rica for more than 10 years and the only time I have vomited was due to too much Tequila.

    The water is safe.  I think you are getting in a tizzy for absolutely no sound reason.

  2. erm...ok.. lol

  3. Its possible but there are many other reasons for indigestion.  My advice to you is to see a doctor.

  4. Just don't drink the water, and be careful with fresh produce (because of contamination on the surface). Not sure taking anti-biotics without a good reason is wise.

    Good Luck

  5. I just got back from there and have been several times.  First drink carbonated soft drinks.   They are the safest.  They are made with boiled water and the CO2 kills bacteria.

    Carry alcohol packs like you get at restaurants to wipe your hands but with a stronger concentration of alcohol.  Use them to wipe the outside of the packages drinking area of any bottle or can you buy from somewhere.  Someone's hand has touched them the outside.  You can buy them in any drugstore both here and there.

    As for other drinks do as the Brits and South Americans do, drink tea, the water is always just boiled.  As for coffee it may have been sitting around in an urn where someones fingers may have touched the spout.  With tea boil the water yourself or you can ask to see it boiled.  Drink steeped tea -- which means put the tea or tea bag into the tea pot or cup in either recepticle first and then pour the boiled water in container on the tea itself.  

    Never eat melons unless you buy them from the field -- sometimes sellers soak them in streams if they become a little shrivelled.

    Bring a couple of pocket knives and but them in your check on luggage.  You can eat any fruit you can peel.

    Buy several small bottles of sanitary hand gel, like they have at the hospital and use on your hands regularly.

    Malaria pills will give you diarrhea, bring Pepto Bismol and take a couple of pills before each meal take a couple of pills.

    If you have access to refrigeration buy "good" bacteria pills.  The good bacterial kills the bad bacteria and even the viral.  They are natures best defense.  But you need to keep them refrigerated after opening.

    Avoid all salads, no exceptions. Eat peelable fruit instead, there will be a good variety.

    The hand gel will help with the viral.  Since it is impossible to stop touching your nose and mouth, use it several times a day and especially before eating.

    You can avoid viral, BUT you do have to take several innoculations before you leave in time for them to take effect.

    Parasites should not be a problem if you eat completely cooked meats.  If it's red or looks undercooked don't chance it.

    I read kmatty's response and I think she had the more appropriate response, there are no guarantees, but if you worry about it, it can spoil the trip.  Your first priority should be to enjoy the experience. You should give her the 10.

  6. It could be any, all or none of the above.

  7. Vomiting can be a result of heat exhaustion too.  All you can really do is wash your hands dozens of times a day, drink alot of water and use your head when you eat and drink the local foods and water.  If you try to tank up on antibiotics you may give yourself diarrhea by stripping all the good bacteria from your intestinal tract.

  8. I think that the answerer before me really covered most of your bases, but here's some personal experience ... I was told that if I took Pepto Bismol tablets (2 tabs three times a day before meals) that it would coat my stomach and I wouldn't get sick.  However, it didn't work.  I was really careful while in Central America and I never drank the water, didn't eat lettuce or vegetables, and I only ate at "nicer" restaurants.  I still got sick, but it was mainly traveler's diarrhea.  My travel partners got both the vomiting and diarrhea, though, and we basically ate the same thing.  So, the moral is that you can be as careful as you want and panic yourself by disinfecting every surface you touch, only eating packaged foods, and over-dosing on tea and soda, but you're really limiting the extent to which you can enjoy your trip.  If you go into it with the attitude that you're going to be smart and careful about how you eat, but you're not going to let that interfere with the real reason you're in Central America, then you'll really get the most out of your trip.  You may get sick and you may not, but at least you'll enjoy it while you're there!

  9. Get as many injections as possible.  Talk with your doctors before you go, because that way you might prevent from vomiting up a kidney or something.  Have fun!

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