
If I wait to buy a bike in October will they be cheaper because of the weather/season?

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Not sure about this, but wondering. Just figured that the weather isn't great in Los Angeles at that time and with that, plus the recession, prices might go down. What do you guys think?




  1. no.Bike market depend on only fuel price and average percentage of bike buyers. not depend on weather.

  2. i wouldnt expect recession to make them cheaper.  they're mostly made overseas and as the dollar drops, imports become more expensive.  also, rising gas prices are increasing the demand for bikes.  rising demand will exert upward pressure on priices, unless supply keeps up.

  3. local shops wait until christmas. they are begging for business and might have sales. online your looking at fairly constant prices. it also depends on yoru region of the country i olive in michigan so the winter is dead for most businesses

  4. Not at all. The bikes willnot change in price because of the weather at all.

  5. October is a good time to buy a bike. Right now the 2009 bikes are on the way to the dealers so they want to move the 2008 bikes and are marking them down so look around you might find a good deal right now. Good luck

  6. I find October is too close to Xmas. The shops dont discount til after. Road bikes get cheaper in February.

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