
If I walk and work on my abdominals will that improve my golf game?

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also, what are some other exercises i can do to improve my golf game? (to make me stronger?)




  1. Yes, and possibly no...  I will explain.

    Golf is primarily a game of torque and this does require some degree of strength.  BUT it also requires a great deal of flexibility.  So, to increase strength at the expense of flexibility will most likely be detrimental to your game.  

    Overall, improving your strength, flexibility AND stamina will improve the game.  There was a recent study released that showed a significant decrease in shot making at the 18th hole VS the first hole (walkers) and this was attributed to the tightening of the hip muscles over the course of the round.  

    So, YES do your abs - but also do every other muscle group equally building strength & flexibility as well as stamina (cardio.)

  2. The abs are the core of your body and if you strengthen that core you will be able to swing faster, and that will increase shot distance. I know golf galaxy sells the Katherine Roberts Golf-Gym work out system. I have never tried it, but I have heard good things.

  3. You will get better results working on your golf swing, developing the proper swing plane and practicing that until you develop consistency then walking and working on your abs. You decide which is more important.

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