
If I want my car repaired, and it's not my fault, do I have to pay deductibles?

by  |  earlier

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I was in an accident, the guy said he'll go to insurance. He does want repair, but I do. Since it's totally his fault, do I have to pay deductible to have MY car fix?




  1. if the accident was his fault, legally, his insurance will pay for all the damage, and you will not have to pay any deductable.

  2. You only pay a deductible when you use your own policy for repairing YOUR car.

    If the other driver is at fault and you are making a claim with HIS company, then no deductible will apply.

  3. not enough details? do you know who's fault it is? can you prove it?

  4. no, as long as  the insurance company has determined that it is not your fault

  5. If you file a third party claim against his liability coverage, you do not pay your deductible.  The only time you pay a deductible is when you use your own coverage.  Sometimes, depending on your policy, the Collision deductible can be waived.

  6. There are a few avenues:

    1. you make a claim through his insurance, they agree it is solely his fault, then no you will not pay a deductible

    2.  you make a claim through his insurance, they feel it is partially your fault or not his fault at all then they will either make an offer which will be less than the amount of the repairs, meaning you will have an out of pocket cost unless you fight it and win

    3. you make a claim through your own insurance, assuming you have collision coverage, then yes you will pay your deductible to your insurance, however they should attempt to go after his insurance to try to get it back which brings you back to 1 and 2

    4. he has no insurance, then he should pay you the full amount, unless of course he disagrees he's at fault and you may have to fight him for it.

  7. Depends on where you go. If you go to a repair shop that is affilliated with your insurance company they may be able to wave the deductible. If you go somewhere else, they may need you to front the money and get payed back later.

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