
If I want to be a trader for a bank in wall street what college should I go to and waht major should I take?

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If I want to be a trader for a bank in wall street what college should I go to and waht major should I take?




  1. You can attend almost any 4 year college, the school is not  important but the grades are along with outside activities and interest.

    You can have a major in Finance; Accounting; or Economics;

    but you should have a very good understanding of each of the subject.  

    Many traders on Wall Street do not have college degrees, it's primarily banking institutions that expect it.

    All traders on wall street (other than fixed income traders) have the same type of personalities and make-up, they all are above average intelligence, out going personalities, good at math, speak well (not counting the cursing) and most importantly they're not wrapped to tight.

    Study hard, if you want bad enough, you'll get,

    I hope I have helped you since I've been there done that

  2. How about an MBA from Harvard business school

    That should do the trick

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