
If I want to have a wedding with no guests, is this okay?

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My family doesn't understand. I just want it to be me, my man, the preacher and whoever is necessary as far as witnesses go.

Isn't this my right to have my wedding the way I want it? (He doesn't have hardly any family so he wants it this way too)




  1. There are going to be many hurt feelings. They want to be there for you on your special day. Is there anyway you can compromise and just have close family? Otherwise, yes you should have your day the way you want it.  

  2. Of course you can. Be prepared for some hurt feelings from family and friends, but they'll get over it. Your happiness is what counts, not theirs. How you live your marriage is far more important than how you start it.

  3. there's nothing wrong with that. in fact, i want mine as small and private as possible. tell your family that you're doing it with or without your support. good luck!

  4. You can do what ever you like it is your wedding. But if one of my daughters did this I would be very hurt.

  5. Yes, and don't let anyone on here tell you different darling. It's you and your fiance's day. That's where people start getting stupid on here and telling you it's about family, as it just happened to me 15 minutes ago. You and your fiance should have it any way you please. Don't listen to the people who will try and tell you you're a Bridezilla, you're not!  Cheers and Congratulations!

  6. It is your wedding, so what you say goes, especially if you are paying.  

    However, a guest list is also a tremendous opportunity to unintentionally hurt peoples' feelings.

    Having a wedding is a delicate balance between what you want and what others expect.

    Good luck, congrats and all the best

  7. It's definitely your choice.  Your parents and his parents should be the witnesses.  Your mother has been waiting for you to get married forever, she envisioned a big wedding--so you should keep her feelings in mind--a little.  Think about having a reception after your private wedding.  Even just a potluck at a family members house where everyone can eat and celebrate together.

  8. Of course! It's your wedding! Enjoy it :)  

  9. I think that's fine. Have you considered a small intimate wedding though? I don't have much extended family either so we opted for a small wedding with 45 guests. It is your day though =]

  10. This is called an "elopement" even though everyone knows.  I did this and did not regret it.  But.......I disagree with the respondent that says its fine, its your marriage, etc.  It is your marriage but it is not fine.  Getting married is not a license for selfishness.  Is it really worth the hurt feelings of your family?  If you want a very simple ceremony, OK.  You did not say that your family is demanding the wedding of the year.  What does it hurt to include them?  Be a grown up and  make an appointment with the Justice of the Peace. Then everyone can go out to a nice restaurant after the "I do's", (the bride and groom don't have to go if they don't want to) and Mom and Dad  can take a few pictures and everyone will be happy.  And speaking from experiance, you will be glad for the pictures in a few months.

  11. Yes, it's perfectly acceptable. The only thing I would consider is if you or him would regret it if you didn't have a wedding with your family and friends- there are no do-overs. It might also cause some arguments among family and friends so you would have to be prepared for that.

  12. Sure it's OK. Mine was the same though kinda reverse. I invited all my family to my divorce. Congrats ahd have a happy married life.  

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