
If I want to make money, should I just bet against Seattle?

by Guest62742  |  earlier

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The Super Bowl 2 years ago, the Mariners are hopeless, !000 bucks the Sonics lose to the Blazers tonight.....betting tip "always bet against Seattle" I've made a lot of money betting against them through the years!




  1. Whatever dude...I love Seattle! The Seahawks are an awesome team that have pulled through the thick and thin. I kinda have to agree with you on the Mariners, but I think they'll be good this year. But I almost agree with you 100% that the Sonics do suck. They're actually moving to I think it's Kansas City or somewhere around there. But anyway...I love this Seahawks so I don't agree with you there.

  2. sure. or you can just work the pole

  3. Download the free E-book from this site and read it carefully, several times if you have to. That's the first and best step to take if you're serious about making money online.

  4. sure

    check out the knicks too, can't go wrong there

    at least seattle has a future

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