
If I want to run more than one graphics card of the same spec (8800 GTX 768 mb) in SLI, does it have to be..?

by  |  earlier

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.......paired with the same brand of card?




  1. No, you can run two graphics cards from different retailers (ie: EVGA or XFX)

    As long as they have the same GPU they can run in dual/tri SLI

  2. I think a better question would be, why would you want to?  You're looking at 100% more in price for a POSSIBLE 35% gain. Thats IF the game even supports the SLI and it dosent lockup or bluescreen.  There's no reason to run SLI, and it usually dosent even run.

  3. No. As long as its another 8800 GTX then SLI should work

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