
If I want to send an email to millions of people I don't know to market myself, how do I? Do I need a list? ?

by  |  earlier

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Do I set it up somehow so it automatically gets done or do i have to get access to a worldwide email list somehow and send an email that way




  1. NO!  no no no!  Mailing to millions=spamming.

  2. What you're suggesting is called spamming. It's frowned on by almost all ISP's. If you try to send out that many e-mails, you may wind up having your Internet service shut off (and you'd probably deserve it).

    I'm sure you could probably purchase a list of e-mail addresses from the many spammers that are out there, but please think about what you're doing. If you really want to market yourself, try doing it to one potential customer at a time, with an individual e-mail. Your success rate is guaranteed to be better than if you just blitz everyone in the world with mail they have no interest in receiving.

  3. What are you trying to accomplish?  

    Are you trying to sell something?  

    Who are you trying to reach?

    There's plenty of companies out there willing to take you money in exchange for an email broadcast to millions of people.  But how many of those people will actually be interested in what you have to offer?  If you're selling tires, then a car enthusiast list would be your best bet.  If your market is business computers, then you want to find a list of IT professionals.  

    The more relevant and recent the list, the better.  Your goal should be to get in front of the most people (even if its a small list) who are willing to respond to your offer.

    Please email me if you have any more questions.

  4. Don't do it... You're suggesting spamming, which is illegal.

    How many years of jail time do you want?  Several convicted spammers, and that's what you want to do, are cooling their heels for up to seven years in the ironbar hotel.

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