
If I wanted to change my daughter's last name to mine do I have to get permission from her father.?

by Guest34443  |  earlier

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Well, I live in NY and my daughters father is currently partially in her life. He does what he wants when he wants to, I really want to drop his *** like a bad habit but he has visitation rights. I want to change her last name and her middle name. What is the process forr that??




  1. I believe so.

    Cause my mom was gonna change my last name to her new boyfriends last name but she needed permission from my dad.

    So i think so.

  2. you CAN but you have to submit a form with a valid good reason for wanting it. You can speak with an attorney (try to get a free consultation) and see what hey can do for you. Good luck

  3. Is he paying child support?

    You could petition the court stating that he does not financially support her and rarely visits her, and you want sole custody.

    Then you can change her name if/when he gives up his rights.

  4. he will have to sign over his parental rights and when he does that he will have no say in what happens with her but the hard part is if he is willing to do that...also if he does that he dosent have to pay you child support or even help you with your daughter...

  5. Unless your daughters father signed off his rights you will have to have his signature.

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