
If I wanted to commit a crime in a foreign country HYPOTHETICALLY of course...?

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and I went there on a boat and arrived a beach (no or little security) , would I be detained at the airport afterwards for not having an entry stamp on my passport?




  1. Yes.

  2. It depends on which country it is if it is Cuba and you're American don't even think about going there legally. for most Europeans countries you would be arrested and they give to American embassy. Then you'll be punished. other countries you'll get in trouble. So don't even think a bout it if you're caught in a country that is enemy of your country either the country that you went to will arrest kill you or the country that you came from will arrest you for giving information for enemy

  3. More than likely.

    However, you are making a mistake common to most people with criminal intent.  You are assuming that you won't be caught.  BIG mistake!

    If you are even considering doing a crime in a foreign country, even "hypothetically," you should also be thinking very seriously of the "hypothetical" jail time you would be doing in that country.  

    Most countries do not have the same jail conditions as the United States (assuming you are American).  They are in fact, far worse than anything you could imagine.  Some countries do not even provide food or clothing.  That is up to you to provide through an outside source.  Got someone who would help you with that?  Take all the horror stories you have heard about foreign jails and accept them as fact.  Then make your plans ... being sure in include the possibility of a long time away from home!

  4. It depends on the country (not all countries have exit immigration controls), but in many cases, yes.

  5. some parts of the world you would be arrested as a spy and shot at dawn and no one would know what happened to you at all. so not a good idea to try to sneak into a country. such as Burma i refuse to call it by the name that despotic tyrant generals called it.

  6. In most courtries, it is a crime to enter the country somewhere other than at a port of entry.  Many countries are very strict about not allowing departure without an entry stamp.  You could find yourself in an airport jail trying to answer some very difficult questions.

    When you travel to a foreign country you are completely subject to their laws and can be prosecuted, convicted, and forced to serve a term of imprisonment there.

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