
If I wanted to start a cult what would I have to do first?

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If I wanted to start a cult what would I have to do first?




  1. you have to have some kind of rules or belief system. Or else it's just a party. You have to make a bunch of BS speeches and sh*t about life or spirituality, and you have to do it at every gathering. So unless you have enough BS philosophies and riddles lined up for the next few years, it is not going to be so easy.

    You also have to recruit people. You do this by finding weak "targets". People with low self esteem, people in financial trouble, or in problems with their relationships. They already have a void, or a vaccume in their lives, and you can fill it.

    You have to then limit their exposure to reality, and replace it with your "sermons". By doing this, you accelerate the brainwsahing process.

    It is best to have these gatherings on Friday, so they become accustomed to being limited on the "social scene". I mean, you can't be at the club if you are at...the cult.

    The less work you put into all of this, the more drugs you will need, in order to achieve the results you want. And the higher the risk of being torn down by the Feds.

    It is in your best interest to do the maximum amount of work in philosophy, recruiting, and dictation, in order to gain a cult following free of Federal prosecution. It is also important to register as a minister, to avoid paying taxes on all of the "donations" you will be benifitting from.

    Spend a little time thinking about your meeting place, new names for your diciples, and a name for your cult.

    Good Luck!

  2. Be charismatic!

  3. Find a bunch of people who believe you are a God.  

    Count me in.

  4. make up a great idea,get people to listen,then soon they become followers...

  5. You need a cool emblem like a cross or fish or star.

    All the cool religions have emblems.

    Emblems rock!

    May doG be with you.

  6. decide on what kind of cult u want to start on.

    are u gonna be the most important person or someone else

    then gather followers


    i don't even know where u got the idea

  7. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh


  8. *get the people..say you have candy..and'll get people then

  9. Hallucinogenic drugs are a must.  

  10. Kool-aid. Lots of it.

  11. Read Jim Jones biography, and serve everyone their Kool-Aid!

  12. get a personality!!!

    I mean I don't know if you have one..

    then find a bunch of losers....

    deprive them from sleep and food and brainwash them!!!


    OMG I'm in a yahoo cult!!!

  13. I don't know why you would want to start a cult, but i guess, you would have to get people involved, and find someway to have your name known.

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