
If I wanted to try to ban plastic bags in my city, what steps would I take?

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Not long ago I looked up and saw 10 plastic bags in a tree....

I've refused a bag every chance possible since then.....

So if I wanted to go about getting plastic bags banned in my city, what steps would I take?

So far I've seen that youre a bunch of educated folks on I'm hoping you'll be able to help me out




  1. Elect liberals.  They love telling us how to live our lives.  They will pass laws controlling our behavior.

  2. Are you going to haul your own garbage too? Don't you think garbage men deserve the protection plastic bags provide?Have you really thougth about ALL the different kinds of garbage that gets toted out by someone?? I don't think banning plastic bags will work too well.Like everything in our world they have a place but you can't see that cut down all the trees and you have no shade the animals die out,you are left with no mercy from the sun it will surely get hotter and no wind breaks from the storm.But hey! We got rid of plastic! That is the problem with Bans,they never work,they make more problems,they take away rights,they make people do criminal actions,If you can not find a solution that will work then don't be part of the problem.

  3. What would you replace them with?

    It's been shown that paper bags take up tons more space in landfills, and don't decompose because they get no oxygen.

    I guess if you want to mandate that people bring their own cloth bags, then go for it!  Gotta have a fascist government to force all of those non-free choices.

  4. first make a local group(convince some of Ur friends to make this group).Ban can be done only by administration  u can make people aware through various activity(telling them how harm full it is n through other activities ) . spare time for full fledged project .Than  u can  put pressure to local admin  to ban it . U will get famous too

  5. I think what you are trying to do is great. In my city/town they arent banned, but they have and alternative. There are tote bags, if you will, that they cell for 99 cents and you reuse them everytime you go to that store. The benfits, they are not made from paper or plastic and you reuse them everytime. The next is that the store gives you 8 cents off everytime you use the product. So if you bring in 10 bags, you get 80 cents off. That system I think was started by a citizen. Best of luck!

  6. we went to plastic to save trees, trees=paper. make up your mind

  7. ok, Re: Trees = paper...I thought that way at first, however, paper is biodegradable, more easily recycled, and brown paper bags are supposedly from recycled paper. And paper bags have never been known to suffocate an animal such as a bird, sea turtle, dolphin or whale, or get caught around an innocent baby seals neck till it grew into it and eventually chocked to death or died from infection....I never heard of a paper bag doing that.

    The smart thing to do is go to walmart and buy those recycled cloth bags for $1.00 each, they are bigger and you can put more items in it and they are soo much easier to carry.

    But if you want to ban plastic bags in local stores, please make sur ethey offer recycled paper bags only.

    You should start in your city by hand writing a letter to your mayor and suggest that someone contact you to notify you of when the next city hearing is, or suggest a public hearing on this issue. If you attend your voice will be heard and all conciderations to your request will be taken seriously.  You must attend the meeting though, otherwise your request will be ignored.  Get a few people together to voice your concerns and be sure to have valid arguments. Dont be outrageous, make sure you find out what others cities do this and that you think your city should follow suit.  I hope this helps, otherwise, if you arent the lobbying type, you can always have a petition signed, you can create one on or manualy type up one and have people in your area sign it then send it to your local mayor and carbon your state govenor.  I hope this helps and good luck to you, I hope you are successful in your mission!

    Never google, always "goodsearch" for your conservation cahrity of your choice!

  8. In many parts of Canada supermarkets are selling cloth bags for a dollar that last for years, and as a reward give the customer $.05 each time they bring them back for reuse. I carry my cloth bags back (4 of them) and get 20 cents off.

    Ok, I am using this to make a profit for myself, but the supermarkets want to be in on this to because there are 'no-frills' stores that offer slightly lower prices but no bags, or charge you 3 cents a bag.

    The first step is to get your supermarkets onside. so that doing the right thing is helping everyone.

    Cities may lack the ability to ban plastic grocery bags... that may be within the authority of a state or province. Just think how it will affect a city if its supermarkets can not provide bags while a neighbouring supermarket can?

  9. 1. Personally Stop using plastic bags.  Encourage those close to you to also stop using plastic bags.  ASK for Paper bags or better yet Carry your own TOTE BAG.   Keep a few different size tote bags in your car for use.   Give tote bags as presents to those close to you to encourage there use.

    2. Speak with managers of local stores you shop with and suggest they offer as an option Paper bags instead of plastic bags.   or the purchase of a one dollar Tote bag with a the stores label displayed on the outside, for customer's return visits.

    3. Call or write your local council explaining your concerns.

    4. google  "ban plastic bags"  for many more ideas.

  10. How has your opinion become more important than those who do not want plastic bags banned?   I thought this was still America.   Do liberals do anything besides thinking of something else to "ban"?

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