
If I was Prime Minister..... what would u do?

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If I was Prime Minister I would:

Make Leisure Centres free for Children between 3.30 & 5pm (organised healthy activities)

Food & nutrition / parenting skills compulsary at school (Like Maths & English)

Reduce the level of income for habitual dole dossers (Unemployed) In order to make being unemplyed less attractive

Use the unemployed in order to clean up the local neighbourhood & assist in volunteer groups. (earning their benefits & giving them something constructive to do)

Impose a zero tolerance on small crimes with the aim to inhibit more serious crime.

For those not choosing to go on to higher education or take a job... enforced volunteer work (with benefits)

Methadone will have liquid contraception included or administered at the time methadone is taken. (compulsary!)

Pot Noodles will have vitamins in them.... purely coz as a foster carer... i know thats what half the kids I support lived off them before they came to me

Let me know what u think or add to it!




  1. First thing i would do is to start living in the real world.

  2. what taxation would you implement to pay for all these new laws?

  3. I would escort all the immigrants to the nearest ferry port.

  4. If i was prime minister i would do like this.

    1: Bring back to death penilty.

    2: Get out of the european union (we dont need more europeans here, we got enough just now)

    3: Drinking, Smoking, Driving age limit all to 21.

    4: No more job seekers or dole money!!! either they get a job or they do comunity service unitll they find one.

    5: Brat Camp (for all kids who are trouble) like the asbo.

    6: Have an age limit of having babys, no one over the age of 18 should get pregnant (come on! it nackers the life up of them young girls)

    7: All kids must go to uni or college after school, no excuses! of they can choose military career.

    8: Remove the tax from all peoples wages! and kill the person who invented it.

    9: Ban all smoking in PUBLIC! (i think everyone deserves there right to not inhale smoke if there a non smoker)

    10: Treat EVERYONE as equal.

    Now all you can do is vote me for prime minister, lol.

  5. Legalise weed and ban alcohol....make the music charts illegal (as all the good music seems to exist outside them anyway!)

  6. I'd donate 10% of the GNP to a fund to help African countries develope their own agriculture and industry,improve thier education,enhance their progress of democracy and human rights,perpetuate their scientific and technological advancement,eliminate the warfare, prevent AIDS from further spread,and protect thier enviorment.

    P.S. I'm not an African but I think things above are  you developed countries should do.

  7. By happy with your decisions.

  8. Have  proper s*x education in schools, teach kids more discipline and to respect themselves and others.

    Make parents take responsibility for their kids actions and stop giving so many handouts.

  9. The conception of the new Movement, whose fundamentals can be expressed in a single sentence: "The Lord helps those who help themselves," opposed this. That is not only a very pious phrase, but a very just one. For one cannot assume that God exists to help people who are too cowardly and too lazy to help themselves

    Sieg heil mein Fuhrer

  10. Brilliant, also would like to add all Muslims must live as we do or ship em wailing calls for prayer, no veils, stop breeding terrorists in our once proud land.

  11. Glad you won't be PM then.Need to get yourself educated about afew things first!!!

  12. kill hooligans

  13. Emigrate.( actually migrate, because i'm a Goose)

  14. Legalize g*y Marriage!!!

    Also u have a couple of flaws;

    Food and Nutrition is part of the sylibus As is BASIC parenting skills These are covered in health and Food Tec

    Reducing the level of income for HABITUAL dole "dossers"- This will:

    increase the level of homeless

    Family suffering

    Increase the use of VOLUNTEER and DONATION services Such as "Red Cross"!

    There are programs for the unemplyed to do volunteer and community work-"Work for the Dole"

    A zero tolerance on Small crimes will increase the number of jail residents-Which means more money for them which also means high tax prices!

    Otherwise the basic idea is good!

  15. Good luck with that.

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