
If I was a coast guard pilot who flew hc-130s (someday) could I join the Air Force reserve and be a pilot?

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After I retire from the CG.




  1. I am not sure that you can retire from the military then join again. Instead, request an interservice transfer from the Coast Guard to the Air Force while you are on active duty. Being a qualified pilot will help this particular transfer. But being close to retirement age may hinder it. So do it earlier in your career.

  2. You can't join another branch of service after you retire from one branch... it doesn't work that way.

    And I have to agree with the other answer - why bother?  After the Air Force has gathered up all their stuff and gone to hide somewhere when the weather gets bad, the Coast Guard is just getting ready to fly!

  3. Not at the same time; why would you want to?  The CG is far superior to the AF.

  4. You could, but why?? Just joint the Air Force from the get go if you want to fly for them.  I may have to disagree with some of the other asnwers though.  I think you could retire from the CG, and then join the Air Force reserves. You just couldn't go active duty AF.  You wouldn't have to retire though. You could just finish your flight school committment for th the CG (I think it's up to 9 years now), then you could  ask for the inter-service transfer.  That would be foolish though. By that time, you'd be over 10 years of service when you factor in your Officer training, and you'd be half way to a pension. If you lateralled over to the reserves, you wouldn't collect a pension till you were in your 60's. I'm a Coat Guard pilot, but I fly for the Navy as a flight instructor along side Air Force, Marine, and Navy pilots. Let me tell you, the CG's quality of life is far superior to the other services. You'll see lots of pilots from all the other services fighting to get into the CG, but not the other way around.  That should tell you something.

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