
If I was asked to move on by the police........?

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If I was asked to move on by the police and I didn't, could I be arrested?




  1. yup, there are several catch all laws that police can use to do what needs to be done. the charges typically get dropped on these arrests but the officer has accomplished what he or she needed to get done and you have spent a day in the slammer.

  2. Possibly, if you are in the UK. If you are too stroppy, some officers would find something to arrest you for!

  3. Its called disobeying a lawful order, and yes.

  4. That depends why they asked you to move on.

  5. Yep.

    Breach of the peace.

  6. Yes they need to keep those target figures up

  7. The Police don't ask someone to move just for the sake of it. If you were asked to move it could be for one of many reasons, you could be causing an obstruction, your presence might be causing a breach of the peace (fight or argument), there may be a local order in place preventing youths from gathering in large groups in a designated area and you may be breaching the order, the list goers on. If the Police lawfully asked you to move and you do not then you could and most likely would be arrested.

  8. Public Order Act 1986. You could be arrested, but would probably only get a caution.

    Besides, why be an a**hole and refuse to co-operate? Just do what they say and you will be fine.

  9. my question

    is why wouldn't you move on?

    obey the law and move on

  10. In my jurisdiction the offense is known as "Hindering a Governmental Operation."

    There is also the offense of "Failure to Disperse when Ordered by Law Enforcement" if there are more than five people present.

    Both are arrestable offenses.

  11. Yes,

    they like to throw their weight around...

  12. If when you were asked to move on  you were area  defined as a highway and the definition fairly wide then you no right to stop, you merely have a right to pass to and fro. In effect you are causing an obstruction. You must have seen the police at football matches moving the supporters on!

  13. Don't be a rebel without a cause.

    if the police ask you to move, just move.  what's the big deal???

    to answer your question, yes, you can be arrested for failure to obey.  that is, if their reason for asking you to move is lawful.

  14. Yes and if they took your details and you are found in the same place again you could be arrested.

  15. wow rebel FIGHT THE MAN!!

  16. All I can think of is..."Don't taze me, bro!!!"

  17. Yes,  depending on why you were told to "move on"

  18. You could:

    1) Loitering

    2) Fail to obey lawful police instruction

    Chances are you'd just be given a ticket though.

  19. Your first mistake is assuming they are asking :)

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