
If I was interesting in joining the US military, how would I go about it?

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Now keep in mind politically I disagree with the war (hence my conflict); but I want to serve my country and I think I would be a excellent sharp shooter. I've always had a passion for firearms and am good at field stripping them. I have no qualms about hard training or about being in dangerous situations.

How should I go about talking to an army recruiter about this?

Which branch of the military should I apply for or do I have any choice?




  1. *Sigh*

    *Gets his tally sheet out again*

  2. Maybe Obama needs a sniper?  Otherwise why bother joining any of our military branches?  Read up on the oath you take when you enter the service - last I recall (after several re-enlistments) it didn't say whether or not your opinion about a conflict mattered at all - it said FOLLOW ORDERS or go to the brig/stockade.

    Most libs go to the Peace Corps, USAID or the State Department - can't see they'd have any need for a sniper....

  3. I wouldn't go into the army.. Air Force and Navy give better training and the Navy has the best way of moving up in rank.

  4. Rekon pretty much nailed it, if you want to be a sniper go with the marines.

  5. If you have an opinion about wars, don't join. I don't want a bitching liberal by my side, "this war is wrong...blah blah, I didn't sign up for this...blah blah." If you join, no opinions for you.  

  6. DON'T JOIN !!!! if you oppose the war you're just going to be out there killing innocent people for no reason!

    and don't believe anything a recruiter tells you, EVEN IF THEY PUT IT IN WRITING.  My cousins enlisted and requested specific training and to be sent to specific places.  They were told they were guaranteed that and then got zilch and were told basically -->tough luck, you're ours now and there's nothing you can do about it.

  7. Marine Corps, they love sharpshooters and you'll be field stripping (disassembling/reassembling) your weapon and field strip about everything else; just about every gear you have in possession so you will provide more space for ammo and water.  Marines do not like going to war either, but we love being prepared!

  8. U.S Marine Corps

    Locate a recruiter in your area and be open and honest with them about what you want to do, they will walk you through the steps that need to be taken.

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