
If I was your daughter, how would you punish me ?

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I'm your twelve -- year -- old daughter . I'm allowed to go to the movies with a boy, but I'm not allowed to date anybody over thirteen .

At one point, I date an eighteen -- year -- old boy . I've been out with him at least twice . I haven't had s*x with him, but that might be a goal he's working toward .

When you find out, you ask me “How do you think we should punish you ?” . I say “I'm sorry ! I don't think you should punish me !” . I get into even MORE trouble for saying that .

I'm grounded and given extra chores, I get mad, and I sneak out of the house one night to see this eighteen -- year -- old boy . You catch me sneaking back into the house ( BUSTED !! ) . How would you punish me ?




  1. You would sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor by my bed for a month.

    You can't leave the house either. Extra chores and no allowance.

  2. I'd put locks on all the doors with a key to unlock them, and only I and your father would have the key.  They, and all the windows, would get locked each night while you were still home

    I'd get the name of that 18 year old, and get a restraining order.

    And I'd lecture you endlessly about self respect, values, and trust. You'd be grounded for about 2 months, at the least.

  3. You'd get the paddling of your life.

  4.   To begin with I would have you away from that 18-year old boy because that''s not something  I would agree with. The next thing I would do is not let you out for quite a bit with any friends and you could only leave the house with parents. And I would probably give you long talks and/or go to a family counselor.....

  5. You'd be on lock down for a VERY VERY VERY VERY long time.  Years.

  6. I don't know probably nail your windows shut after that one .. you are only 12 honey slow down ur not ready for what most 18 year old do .. it wouldn't be as bad if he wasn't 6 years older than you are.. he could go to jail.

  7. First of all, I'm against corporal punishment, as I think it is pointless. So you wouldn't get that. But I'd move your bed to my room so you can't sneak out anymore. Your grounding time will be extended with a month or three. No friends coming over, no computer, no social interaction at home. Just school and homework. And that for a month or three.

    You'd be dying to return to a "normal" life even after the first days. But as it is with a lot of things: consistency is key.  

  8. I would not as you have done nothing wrong, you have not had s*x.

  9. File a restraining order to the boy. Ground you for EVER. No TV no Computer, no phone no nothing. Move to Nebraska.

  10. You wouldn't be able to leave the house for quite sometime, likewise your internet connection would be pulled, if you have a cell phone that too is gone.

    You would come home at whatever time I specify every day and if you fail to do so more privileges would be lost until you are sitting in a baron room with only a babysitter's club novel to keep you entertained.

    I would also contact the police and let them know that an 18 year old is showing a sexual interest in my 12 year old daughter.

  11. Since you are twelve, I have a perfect case to call the cops on your boyfriend.

    Naturally, you are grounded for life, keys confiscated, computer and other privileges taken (including holidays and outings), until such time that you understand that 12 -- year -- olds do not make the rules.

  12. Okay first off Eww! 12 and 18 dating and about to have s*x!!! Dude thats illegal! My punishment hm... No allowance if you have one for a year no cell if you have one for a year no computer for 6 months and you'd have to sleep by my bed for 6 months and grounded for 8 months

    also take everything out of your room and leave you a matress pillow and blanket and even take your door away...


  13. I really don't think punishment is the issue. I think you need to communicate with your parents better. you're 12 he's 18. I know that you may not feel like age matter or that you guys have a lot in common or something, but honestly, I doubt his motives are pure. There's no reason an adult man should be dating a young girl. You're parents are trying to look out for you. trying to protect you..which they should, you're their little girl, so try to understand, when you do talk to them...what they're saying. 12 is a bit young to be dating a guy that old. Sorry :(

  14. I would make sure that you never ever see him again, anyway possible. You were given the rules, and you disobeyed. When you said sorry, you didn't mean it. You were just sorry that you got caught. Your parent's are there for a reason. They make sure that you don't get hurt even though you might be mad at them. The world is full of creeps waiting to take advantage of young women.

    You had no right to be mad at your parents.

    If i had to choose your punishment it would be...moving far far away.

  15. yea, i would punish you, and i'm a teen.. look at it from your mom's point of view.. your daughter, who's technically not even a teenager yet, is dating a boy 6 years older, defying her rules, talking back, and sneaking out of the house.. seriously, wouldn't you punish you if you were your own daughter? if that makes any sense...  

  16. You should focus on school not on boys there's plenty of time for that when yo u grow up And i would punish you by not even letting you go out with anyone. I'm 13 i've never had a boyfriend and I've been asked several times and all i've said is no. So just focus on your studies! Just an example

  17. grounded for life!!! do you realize how dangerous it is to be sneaking around late at night, especially since you are a TWELVE year old girl.  Anyway you shouldn't be seeing an eighteen year old.  He is way to old for you and is obviously up to no good! Be smart don't put yourself in this situations.    

  18. Your little world as you know it would end!

  19. I would lock you in the closet until your 18th birthday.  Kidding :-)

    Ok, well just because you haven't had s*x with him doesn't mean you won't. And like you would really tell your parents if you did. *I* wouldn't even tell my parents, 18 year old guy or not. That's awkward!

    You're ballsy enough to sneak out to see this guy, so you should be big enough to accept whatever punishment is given to you. A grounding and extra chores, I say you're getting off easy. In my house, sneaking out for any reason would land any 12 year old a session with the belt. I can't imagine what I would have gotten if my parents knew it was to see an 18 year old guy. Yikes, I'd probably be thrown out of the house.

    Something else to think about, I don't know if you actually care about this guy or not, but you could get him in a lot of trouble if you have s*x with him. It's dangerous to play with s*x like that, it's best not to even start the game. Forget about him; if you really want to p**s your folks off by dating someone "too old" for you, find yourself a nice 16 or 17 year old. Leave the 18 year olds to the other adults.

  20. uh, let me see. after the doctor surgically removed my foot from your *** i would track down the little s*x offender you are seeing and kick the everloving dogsh*t out of him and cut off his testicles.

    are you nuts? what the h**l is missing in your life that at 12 you have to see a man of 18?

    get real. stop being a loser and find something else to do with your life.  

  21. Let's just say this, you would have to eat standing up, and sleep on your stomach for at least a week!

  22. You'd be bored at of your mind.

    You'd be coming to work with me and sitting there doing nothing.

    You'd get everything taken out of your room, you'd have locks on your windows.

    There would be a lock on the doors to get out of the house that only i could open.

  23. I would take away everything that you enjoy to do

  24. um... well thats tough, but why (and please dont take offense) is an 18 year old boy trying to be with a 12 year old?

    I'm sorry, i'm all for any-age love and all (there myself to be honest) but that IS pushing the boundaries.

    I'd probably ground you, and talk to this 18 year old to see what the situation is.

  25. if you were my 12 year old you wouldnt be dating or going anywhere without me

    there wouldnt be an 18 year old so the rest is irrelevant  

  26. I'd get my belt out.

    A twelve year old shouldn't be dating ANYWAYS!

    That's ENTIRELY too young! My daughter won't be dating until she's sixteen.

    See, being raised down in the south, whenever I got into any trouble, I got the belt. It worked for me. I never disrespected my parents again. Now I may not use a belt on my daughter, probably just my hand. But if I have any boys, they'd be getting the belt.

  27. Make you promise to never speak to him again.

  28. I would ground you until you were 18 as you have already proven that you can not be trusted. And you would have a lot of hard work ahead of you to regain my trust.

    EDIT: Okay, maybe not 18 but for a few months when I start to trust you again.

  29. I wouldn't punish you at all...I would reward you, and be over cool about it, until you felt SO guilt that you made the right choice...haha!!!

  30. i would beat ur a**,

    and i would find him and tell him to stay the h**l away from you before he gets his a** beat too

  31. You would not be allowed out except for school for quite some time. I might even get a restraining order against this 18 year old boy.

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